Jan 26
We took a car and driver to Mexico City from Cholula at 6:30 a.m. It took
3.75 hrs instead of the usual 2.5 hours due to Monday morning traffic and construction. But we
arrived in time to catch our 11:15 bus to San
Miguel de Allende (SMA). It was a first class bus that was very comfortable, including a couple of movies (in spanish). We arrived at 4:00 p.m. and took a taxi from the bus
station to our apartment but we somehow had the wrong address. I waited on the
sidewalk while RB went to an internet café to contact owner. About half those
who passed by were English speakers. A Mexican woman came out from the building
where I was standing and offered to help. We could leave our luggage inside her
gate, I could come in and sit down and wait, etc. This is just another example
of how incredibly kind and friendly Mexicans are to strangers. Ron returned
with the correct address and we took another taxi to our apartment just a few
blocks around the corner.
Jan 27
That night we met with Alice and Hal. They graciously
invited us to their home in the hills high above the city. They have a
fantastic view from their roof top terrace and they have an exquisite home they
built 15 years ago. We asked lots of questions and they were most helpful. They gave us a perspective we had not
considered before. Our bias before coming to SMA was that the expat community
was so large that we would never interact with Mexicans. Our goal had been to
live in a place where we could immerse ourselves in the local culture and
befriend locals. Alice
brought up the point that we would need to be fluent in the language for that
to happen and that takes about two years and it is really a difficult task at
our age. It definitely gave us a moment to pause and consider her advice. Hal
spoke up and said he found many interesting people here in the ex pat
community. We ate a great Cobb salad for dinner and visited some more before
walking back to town, about 20 minutes.
Jan 28
After being with Steve, we went to get a bite to eat at a
restaurant Alice had recommended and had a good dinner and then headed to the
movies. The theater seats 25 and is part of an old hotel. We saw Whiplash
and we were exhausted emotionally afterwards. It was a good film and we were
thrilled to see a movie after months of not seeing any first run movies.
Jan 29
We came back to the apartment and roasted some veggies for
lunches. All fruits and vegetables must be disinfected for 10 minutes before
cooking or eating. This requires soaking them in a water bath with disinfectant
that we bought at the grocery store. Given the limitations of our kitchen I
could only soak a few at a time so this was a labor intensive process. In the
afternoon we walked to a place Alice and Hal had recommended called Fabrica La Aurora, an abandoned textile mill that has been converted into a development
with art galleries, antique stores, cafes, interior design shops and the like.
On the way we passed a fabulous store that specialized in Michoacán crafts.
OMG! We drooled on everything in this store! We hope to return and purchase a
mask here. The owner said he has done this all his life in order to help his
people. We were moved by his mission not to mention his expert eye for quality
work. He has masks, copper ware, wood carvings, jewelry, ceramics and more.
That evening we met Alice and Hal for dinner at another
recommended restaurant. Our meal was good but not particularly special. The
company however was terrific. Hal and Alice told us of their experience living in
a cooperative housing arrangement. We shared stories of how we met our spouses
and stories about our children. It was a perfect evening. They have been so
helpful telling us about an arts and crafts fair this weekend, sights to see,
encouraging us to just take a bus and visit Guanajuato which is a little over
an hour away and that has a smaller ex pat community, and recommending
restaurants, etc.
Jan 30
We came back and visited with neighbors from Canada
who are staying in the apartment above us. They will leave tomorrow after being
in SMA for a month. We went to the copper shop where earlier in the week we saw
the perfect water pitcher to go with copper goblets we purchased in India years
ago. We asked for them to make us one with tin lining and will hand carry it
home. We made lunch at the apartment and then took a suitcase that lost the
outer covering of a wheel to be repaired. We took a taxi to the very large hardware
store but they were not able to help us. We took a bus back to town to go to a
shoe repair place who said they can fix it…that is what we think they said
anyway since the entire conversation on her side was Spanish and our side was
English. We have our fingers crossed.
Jan 31
Then we went across the street to look at three shops that sold architectural salvage: old carved doors, tables, ironwork, etc. We walked back to town and found the hair salon where Alice has her hair cut. I made an appointment for next Friday as Andre doesn’t work on Saturdays and we leave on Sunday. We popped into a Mexican restaurant and I had tortilla soup and Ron has chicken fajitas. Neither of us finished our meals as we had eaten too many chips and salsa waiting for our lunch. Both of us went away happy however. We searched for a bakery Ron really likes and they had one cinnamon roll left, one of RB’s favorites. I got a couple of cookies for later as neither of us could eat another bite.
We replenished our chocolate supply when we finally found a store that stocked a dark chocolate that we like and Ron topped up his cell phone. We came back home to rest a bit and call our realtor about seeing another rental that just went on the market.
We tried a new little place up the street for dinner and won’t bother to return. A young couple are attempting to start an eatery on the weekends. Then we went to our third movie in four days and saw Selma . We had an interesting conversation with an employee, Ricardo, who spoke great English and has traveled to Bali , Thailand , and Japan . He said he loves to travel. He works until he has enough money to take off and travel to a new place.
Feb 1
Today was a great day. We started with a tour of the private Mask Museum . Bill and his wife Heidi built a seven room b and b here and he has been collecting Mexican dance masks for years. He has over 500 in his collection. We spent close to two hours looking at his collection and reading his explanations. The b and b is absolutely a work of art.
Afterwards we walked to the Juarez Park to
view the Candalaria, a 50 year old event that celebrates the beginning of the agricultural season. Growers from all over the region hold a plant sale during the time of ‘the blessing of the seeds’ to ensure a good harvest. Ron got lots of photos while I drooled over so many beautiful plants of every description.
We've been watching a humming bird nest just outside our apartment door and looks like she may soon be a mother.
We walked about 35 minutes from our apartment to view a long term rental this morning at 11:30. It was quite suitable and we have decided there will be no shortage of possibilities if we choose to return to SMA as our home away from home. Troy will be an invaluable contact for us. But we both feel that we don’t have to put a bid in now as we really would like to wait and return somewhere in the fall. This will give us time to sort through anything we need in the storage unit that contains all of our worldly possessions, time to see all our friends and family over the summer and time to get all in order for a move. Frankly it is very freeing to see that there will be many possibilities here in terms of places to rent.

Today Ron had a three hour private photography lesson and I ran some errands. It was our second break from our usual 24/7 with each other since Sept 3rd. Ron took some great photos and had an instructive session which he enjoyed. His instructor moved here seven years ago from NY so he wouldn’t have to have a winter coat! HA.
Feb 2
We walked back to the Centro area, took a pair of shoes to be repaired, and had a lovely lunch in an outside courtyard. It is cooler today at 72 degrees and some cloudiness. Tonight we went to see Pride, a British comedy based on a true story. Afterwards we went to a great Italian place for dinner that Alice had recommended. We had two great pasta dishes.
Feb 3
We dined with our new friend Steve Goldstein at a great Mexican restaurant. I had fish tacos while Ron and Steve had Cajun tilapia. We topped off the meal with sharing a huge rich chocolate brownie with ice cream drizzled with caramel sauce. Yum. Steve is a real sweetheart. He regaled us with wonderful stories and shared helpful advice about living here. When we told him we have fallen in love with SMA, he smiled and said we would have been the first if we hadn’t fallen in love. The rest of the evening he said frequently “when you move here…”
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