Oct 27
While we were traveling in Laos we decided we really did need
to get to know Phetchaburi better. We know three places to eat and that’s about
it. So today we got up and did some maintenance chores. Ron repainted an area
outside under the eaves that had been water damaged when the roof leaked and I
pulled a vine out that was invading a group planting. I threw the compost into
our compost barrel and washed out our kitchen garbage can as it was smelly. Due
to the heat here the compost and garbage need to be emptied frequently.
Oh, you can always count on motorcycles and cars being
parked on the sidewalks. Signage is another problem. Big signs in metal frames can completely block the sidewalk, forcing you into the street where there is heavy traffic. So we can’t just stroll along, as it were. We thread ourselves around various obstacles in our way. Today I noticed that many shops have canvas awnings that hang down below shoulder level to protect their goods from the sun , adding to our dodging. I always carry a sunbrella to keep the sun off and frequently had to maneuver it so that it wasn’t bumping into anyone or anything.
We marvel as how many tiny shops all sell the exact same
merchandise. After two hours we were wringing wet from the heat. I suggested we
go to our fave lunch place which is cool and has a bathroom. It was good to get
off our feet and chill for a while. The eatery is open air but always cool with
big fans. Next, we went to an internet café to have our bank statements printed and a change of flight time from Vietnam Air. Right down the street was our
massage place so we went in for a foot massage. Next we went to get water for our water dispenser but
no one was there, so we got some fruit and headed home. Now we are in our
bedroom mid afternoon chilling in the AC. The rest of the house feels like a
sauna. Hopefully tomorrow we will continue exploring our town and discover more
We had a toasted ham and cheese sandwich for dinner. I found
some nice ham at the high end market in Hua Hin when we got in from Laos on
Saturday. After dinner we played scrabble. Ron won big the first round and
barely beat me the second game. Life is good.
Oct 28
This morning we cleaned up the sidewalks in front of Noy’s
and our houses. He is in BKK for a medical checkup. There was a big wind storm
last night that blew open our double screen doors and when I went into the
living area to get some water I was astounded by how much leaf debris had blown
in. There were leaves against every wall and on the floor in the living and
dining rooms.
Oct 29
We had planned to get up and weed before breakfast. Ron
doesn’t enjoy yard work but volunteered to help. When I opened our bedroom door
I discovered it was raining. With the AC on we usually can’t hear the rain
unless it is pouring which happens here frequently. I teased Ron and said ‘no
wonder you volunteered. You knew you could get out of it with this rain’. Ha!
So we showered, ate and did some computer work. Then it stopped raining so we
did some weeding. Make hay while the sun shines as it were. Or maybe I should
say ‘weed while it isn’t scorching hot’.
We decided it would be a great day to explore more of our
town since it was cool from the rain and the sun didn’t come out. We found a
new store we have never seen, large with a parking lot no less. That is a very
rare event indeed. We went inside and walked every aisle. It may sound strange
but some things are hard to find here so we tend to explore new stores in case
we can find some needed or wanted item. The really good hardware store ala Hone
Depot is 45 minutes away from here as an example. We bought a thermometer so we
could see how hot the house really is and a few food storage containers.
After the store, we walked to the AIS store that is the
service provider for our Thai cell phone line. While there, the sky unzipped and we
had to wait 45 minutes for the rain to let up. As I sat looking out onto the
street I noticed the storm drain in front of the store. Initially it kept up
with the deluge but after a while I noticed the street starting to fill with
water. Before the rain slackened the street was flooded with the water coming
to the top of the curb, covering car tires above the rims. I don’t know if you
have ever lived in a warm climate but insects rule. So as the rain increased so
did the roaches coming out from the storm drain where they hide out. First we
noticed big ones then a horde of tiny babies. Ick!
Back to the car and a quick stop at a place down the street
from our
house. Here at 3:00 to 5:00 PM you can pick up your dinner. There is a covered area with
four or five women and tables filled with pots of prepared food, probably 15-20
dishes to choose from. I point and a woman fills plastic baggies with two or three large spoons
of the item. Today, I got a beef/eggplant curry, chicken larb (a meat alad) and
a stir fry dish of chicken, noodles and veggies for 90 baht, about $3. A young
boy was there and helped translate what the dishes were that I had pointed to
so I gave him my change and thanked him for the translation services. The women
beamed. In BKK a 10% service charge is usually added to the bill in restaurants
but not here. We frequently eat lunch at JM Cuisine, a noodle/stir fry place. When we first started tipping the staff would
run after us to let us know we had left money on the table.
.When we got home I weeded some more and Noy came over to
help me. I can only bend or stoop so long so quit after about 30 minutes but
the two of us made great headway.
Shops here are very casual for lack of a better word.
Frequently shop clerks eat in front of customers. They don’t really go out to
lunch so much as grab something nearby and bring it back to the shop and eat it
at the counter.
Oct 30
We started the morning with Ron working on the pump for our
little water fountain and me continuing to weed. Ron joined me after he
discovered the pump had died a natural death. I am pleased to say we basically
are finished until the tiniest weeds grow big enough to pull out.
After breakfast we went into our third day of exploration,
this time to the west of the Phetchaburi
River . We didn’t make any
new discoveries other than seeing a huge wat being remodeled and it looks like
no expense is being spared. After all the rain yesterday it is sunny and hot,
hot, hot today.
Wat Mahathi Worawhan |
Wat Khi |
Oct 31
Today we drove to our fave hardware store ala Home Depot
south of Cha Am and got a new pump for our water feature. We found some regular
sponges for the kitchen. The only place I have been able to find them. Mostly
what we see here are the foam sponges which are useless for wiping down
counters or sopping up spills. We got some other items we needed like a sprayer
to use with bleach water to clean up all the mold on the sidewalk and sides of
the porches and house. Next we drove to Hua Him, another 15 or 20 minutes south
and ate a bowl of duck noodle soup at our favorite soup place. From there we
picked up some items at the super grocery that caters to foreigners where we
can get granola. I even found some oregano and canned tomatoes so I can make
marinara sauce for spaghetti when the heat isn’t overwhelming me. We ended with
a foot massage at a place we haven’t used before in Cha Am. I had a good one
but Ron’s tech was in OJT and he wasn’t pleased.
butterfly drunk on nectar and one of the many banana trees in our ‘orchard, also one of several papaya trees. There are also mangoes which will ripen in April long after we have left. There are a few other trees with fruit that we have yet to identify.
Flower in our yard |
Butterfly gathering nectar in our yard |
View of the Phet River from our yard |
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