Thursday, July 2, 2015

Life on the farm

June 27, 2015
Today is Saturday and I came home from my surgery on Tuesday. All went well with one small hiccup. The doc who performed the operation was concerned that my bladder/kidneys were not functioning well after the surgery so I remained on the operating table while an urologist was called in (it was night by now). He did a dye test and determined that all was in order so I got sewn up and went to recovery. I got to my room around 10:00 p.m., later than expected. My surgery started around 3:00 in the afternoon but with robotic surgery I think it takes about an hour to set up before actual surgery begins.

I was released the next day, Tuesday at noon. It takes about 90 minutes to reach Parkdale. I went upstairs and when I tried to get into bed I had excruciating pain in my shoulders and screamed out, tears where flowing down my face and Ron told me to breathe. It hurt like hell to cry and to breathe. I finally got into bed. Apparently this is the worst side effect of the operation. I was injected with carbon dioxide gas to help the surgeon see better and to help move things around. This is a common practice. However the gas aggravates the diaphragm and a nerve that goes to the shoulders.  The pain felt like torture frankly but was only in the shoulder region. By night fall I couldn’t take it any longer and Ron convinced me to have my narcotic prescription filled. He left to go to town, an hour round trip. What would I do without this wonderful guy?

With the help of the drugs I was able to sleep but had to sleep in a sitting position because I couldn’t lie down without creating the stabbing pain in my shoulders. I did this for two nights and slept well. Ah hard drugs, a godsend under the circumstances. This experience made me even more sympathetic to my friends who have had to deal with much more serious physical/medical problems.

If ever there were a perfect place to recuperate, Parkdale would be it. Larry and Susan’s farm is in an idyllic setting. Our bedroom window looks out on tidy farms and a drop dead gorgeous view of Mt Hood. I often sit on the edge of the bed and just take it in. It is a healing gesture. Then my first days post op, Larry or Ron would bring me coffee and my meals. I stayed upstairs the first day due to the discomfort I was experiencing each time I got out of or into bed. But by Wednesday I was able to do downstairs for short visits.  Between Larry and Ron my every need was attended to…hey I could get used to this!

On Thursday Larry left for Portland and to pick Susan up at the airport. She has been visiting her mom in Florida. They stayed overnight in Sellwood. We watched the news after dinner and on Friday I was out of bed much of the day. I walked around the property briefly, had my coffee on the patio taking in the view and we headed into town around 12:30 to go to a notary for a condo document and to do some grocery shopping. It ended up we went too early as the notary wasn’t available until 2:00. Because it was 90 degrees we decided to do the non perishable grocery shopping before seeing the notary and to pick up the rest on our way back to the farm. As luck would have it we ran into Nick, Mateo and Stacy, friends from Portland, at the grocery store. They were on their way to a camping weekend nearby at Lost Lake so we had a brief visit in the store and we hope to go see them this weekend. I find getting out of the house helpful but am being careful to not overdo it. Everyone has warned me about feeling really good then overdoing it. Being a hyperactive adult this is a challenge but I want to be well as soon as possible. I am lucky to have had this type of surgery.

In the late afternoon my new ophthalmologist called. He had not answered my emails and I discovered earlier in the day that he had been attending a meeting and had not been in the office. I asked about delaying the surgery until October. He said I was losing eye sight and by delaying I was risking losing more. I decided to set up a meeting with him in Olympia where his practices three weeks a month. He is in Portland one week a month. We will meet July 6th as the surgery is now scheduled for July 15th. I am proceeding with this as Ron will need to be in Costa Rica in mid September and I feel the longer I have in recovery before his departure the better. The appointment in July will give us more information to know exactly what we can expect in terms of risks and possible outcomes from the surgery.

Larry and Susan arrived around 6:00 p.m. and we waited until the heat abated and served a salad dinner which we all enjoyed. We had picked up three deli salads then Ron made a great green salad. We added some good bread and called it dinner. I rested in bed all evening and read Miss Marple mysteries by Agatha Christie. I had run out of reading material and found a book with five mysteries in the beside table to keep me entertained for now. These are quite dated so it is interesting to observe how things have changed in terms of attitudes towards women, age and gays. It makes me aware that some progress has been made. We were thrilled to hear of the two Supreme Court rulings on the Affordable Care Act and gay marriage equity.

I made it through the day with no narcotics and am pleased. I did wake up around 3:00 a.m. and so did Ron. I read until about 4:00 when he came back to bed. I then slept until 8:30. Ron has been working with a program called Home Architect which allows him to draw a floor plan of the condo and place furniture to see how things will fit. He refined it further during his wakeful hours between 3:00-4:00. He has done a terrific job of thinking things through. We are downsizing from 3,000 sq feet to 1280 sq ft. We have a large art and textile collection so some of it will need to be stored, sold or given away I think. We won’t make any decisions until after we attempt to move in.

Today Mandi, a former tenant of ours in Vancouver is bringing lunch for the five of us. We look forward to her visit.

We had a super visit with Mandi and a delicious lunch. We will see her again hopefully before we move into our condo. Ron and I ate leftovers for dinner and Larry and Susan went to a winery for the owners’ retirement party. I spent the evening in bed as I had been out of bed much of the day.

Today after lunch we said goodbye to Larry and Susan who are leaving for Portland today and France tomorrow. We drove about 35-40 minutes up to Lost Lake to see Stacy, Nick, Mateo and Stacy’s folks, Rollie and Dolores whom we have known since the early 80’s.  Poor Mateo fell asleep as soon as we all congregated at the camp site as he had spent a long time doing a standing kayak on the lake, and was very tired. (so no picture of him). We had a great visit and enjoyed the cooler temps. Today is was about 87 degrees compared to Saturday’s 102. It was also cooler in the forest service campground which was probably another 1,000-1,5000 ft higher in elevation than Parkdale’s 1500 ft.



We came home and picked blueberries and raspberries then ate leftovers for dinner. We watched The Theory of Everything, a wonderful film about Stephen Hawking and his wife, Jane.

Through our stay at Parkdale, we've told you about Larry and Susan's dog, Baker.  He is so smart.... so here's his picture.

July 1
Today we found out that Mark, our older son, passed his defense of his dissertation and is now Dr Bergman. Hooray for Mark who has worked so hard on this degree while holding multiple jobs and while being a great dad and husband.

Our mover finally called back to say he couldn’t put a team together. I got rather emotional with tears. I can’t tell what all the contributors are to my emotional outburst but Ron thinks it is all that is going on: multiple health issues, the vagabond life style, and multiple plan changes this summer. Let’s not forget the disappointment of not moving to Mexico. We quickly got some recommendations from our realtor and our friend Ellen Levine. By the end of the day Ron had arranged for a move a week from Friday, July 10th.  Tomorrow we will see if that can be moved up a bit as it doesn’t give us much time to get settled before my surgery on the 15th.

We went into Portland where I had my eyes measured for the surgery and RON went to a lunch with buddies then a dental appointment. My friends Gary and Edmund picked up at the eye clinic and we headed out to Hood River where we had a play date. We ate lunch, visited art galleries and interesting shops. It was 102 degrees today. Oy! We came out to the house, about a 20 minute drive. They fell in love with L &S’s house and the setting. We relaxed and had a snack then later I gave them the garden tour, and showed them the orchard and duck/geese pond and where the birds are housed. After Ron got home, we decided to go back to town for a nice meal.  After dinner we said our goodbyes and rushed home to get the birds back into their house for the night. This house protects them from predators. 

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